Scripture Commentary

The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Song of Songs 2:12

Monday, July 30, 2012

Golden Words

A word fitly spoken is like an apple of gold in a setting of silver. Proverbs 25:11

Sometimes I fling on whatever jumps out at me from the closet, drink a hurried breakfast shake, rush through my exercise routine, stop by the farmer's market, run a letter to the post office or do a million other errands before I meet a friend for lunch. When I get there, breathless and dabbing perspiration, my friend greets me with, "Praise the Lord, you look great today." And those seven words, fitly spoken, under-gird our conversation for the next two hours. I order the Waldorf salad, eat it with gleaming silverware, sip my lemonade, and think how wonderful it is to have a friend to share my thoughts and dreams, sorrows sometimes, joys, and occasional grievances. Such Grace! I must remember the Golden Rule, and pass along the Peace. Shalom, Mother BE

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Monday, July 23, 2012

First Impressions

Mary Magdalene ... said to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord."  John. 20:17

The first evangelist ran to tell Y'shua's  disciples the good news after she saw the living Lord following his death on the cross. What had she seen? A gardener, a ghost? Her mind could not comprehend what her senses told her. She did not recognize him until he called her by name, and then she could not sit still in her time of mourning. She ran - to tell his disciples. Of course, they did not believe her, a grieving woman. But her bold eagerness to share her experience planted a seed of curiosity so that they had to go see for themselves. How alike we are to those first- century skeptics. Someone may have a fresh revelation to share, and we scoff at his or her story until we name it for ourselves. What would it be like to accept someone's experience as valid simply because they say so? If we did, maybe it would not have taken over two thousand years for the gospel to reach our hearts. Shalom, Mother BE

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Monday, July 16, 2012


 Go view the land, especially Jericho. Joshua 2:1

Thus begins one of the best spy episodes in the scriptures. It has all the intrigue, sex, and violence a writer needs to captivate his or her readership, including the red light (cord) district. I'll leave it to you to read the story. As for the spiritual sojourn, the implication presented here suggests that one seek a helper, a spiritual director, or a soul friend to help sort through the questions that inevitably arise upon the beginning of a vision quest. The value of such a person in one's life is to hear, and examine, one's own out-loud thoughts. Our various "Jerichos" would smother us with taunts of doubt, self-recrimination, or unworthiness. But the Holy Spirit hides us and protects us from personal annihilation just as Joshua spared Rahab, in return for her hospitality. Read the book! Shalom, Mother BE 

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Risk Factor

Do not take us across the Jordan. Numbers 32:5b

I am reminded of the rabbit who said to the fox, "Do not  put me in that brier patch," when that was exactly what the rabbit wanted. Like the rabbit, we're often sure what would be good for us, especially when what we perceive is comfortable - or in the case of the fox, threatens our comfort.. In this context, the tribes of Reuben and Gad want to pasture their herds of cattle on the familiar side of the river rather than cross over into the Promised Land. The metaphor for the life in the Spirit illustrates that we just might not see all the particulars of that leap of faith we've heard about. The Holy One beacons us to deepen our contemplation of Love Peace and Justice and perhaps act on revelation, a risky step into the dark unknown. Our Faith, the action side of Eternal Grace, takes the first watery step into the Jordan, and beholds Glory with hindsight. Shalom, Mother BE

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Perfect Praise

Have you not heard that out of the mouth of babes and sucklings come perfect praise? Matthew 21:16b

The reference to Psalm 8:2 includes the notion of strength, and suggests that praise is unencumbered by enemies who would dampen the spirit. The children cried out, "Hosanna to the Son of David" when Y'shua healed the blind and lame people who came to him in the Temple while the elders were suspicious of his motives, and angry that he had upset the apple carts (the money changers and vendors). Children recognize authentic joy and respond with celebration. This week Americans will turn themselves upside-down with the celebration of Independence. Some of us "Oldies" may decry the boisterous expressions of gaiety, but while we remember that our Founders paid dearly for the privilege of Freedom, we remember that Y'shua gave the blind ones freedom to observe life around them, the lame ones the freedom to dance. Be safe, be tolerant, be sober, but have fun. Let's celebrate life! 
Shalom, Mother BE

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