Scripture Commentary

The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Song of Songs 2:12

Monday, November 26, 2012


Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.   Luke 18:17 
With all our education and sophistication, we have no guarantees about our present or final conditions. We are simply who we are, along with everyone else. We humbly accept our lot and get on with life. Humility means that we stash our expectations and receive the love of others. Whether we know or do not know anything about life after this one, we rest in the grace that love endures forever. 
This is the last week of the liturgical year. Next week we begin the season of Advent in preparation for the Nativity celebrations -- the holidaze! This is therefore my closing blog post, at least for this calendar year. May the Holy One bless you with joy, and love. Shalom, Mother BE

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Photo by Ken Brin

Monday, November 19, 2012

Faith Works

Someone will say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith without works, and I by my works will show you my faith.  James 2:18

Back in the days of the Reformation, Martin Luther left the book of James out of his translation of the Bible. Why? Because it seemed to him that there was entirely too much emphasis on works to the detriment of faith. The argument has been going on for centuries with results that either polarize people when they have expectations, or renders them apostate because of the ridiculous nature of the discussion. The writer of the James community tells us that one without the other is simply moot, nothing. Furthermore, it is not our business to judge anyone's faith, works, or lack of either. Let us love one another! Shalom, Mother BE

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Photo by Ken Brin (from my window sill)

Monday, November 12, 2012


Restore us, Elohim; let your face shine, that we may be free. Psalm 80:3    BE

Within the lectionary readings for today, this litany of hope lies hidden among gloom and doom. The word I've translated as "free" is yashaw. It shares a root with the name Y'shua (Jesus), and from it we have the words "save,"  "deliver," and "liberty" in translations. The Holy One is forever present, with us, in times of stress or disappointment. Those of us who are members of affluent societies,  would be wise to remember that our relationship to one another is of sacrificial love; that is, we seek the well-being of others. We put the desires of others above our own. Restoration begins with respecting the people with whom we live, and it moves out in circles of influence. So we live alone? Are we then exempt from love? It may seem like we have no one, but even the hermit has neighbors, if not people, then plants and animals. Shalom, Mother BE

Other readings for today:Joel 1:1-13; Rev. 18:15-24; Luke 14:12-24
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Photo by Ken Brin

Monday, November 5, 2012

Baptism of Fire

I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! I have a baptism with which to be baptized, and what stress I am under until it is completed!  Luke 12:49-50

These words of Y'shua seem quite contrary to the message of love with which most of us are familiar. The context is even more perplexing, as it appears to put family members and nations against one another. Haven't we had enough of division and strife? Wasn't there already enough two thousand years ago? And why would He be stressed out waiting for the kindling to catch? Those of us who have recently been through forest fires or perfect storm hurricanes don't want to acknowledge anything good coming from them. So what in the world is He saying here via Luke the Greek physician?
One simple truth! Life rises out of death! The forests will recover, the tide will clear the beaches, and relationships will heal in the Resurrection if not before. It's all worth the hope energized by the devastation. Shalom, Mother BE

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Photo by Ken Brin