Scripture Commentary

The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. Song of Songs 2:12

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy Prosperity

Happy are those who delight in the Lord, and meditate day and night. 
They are like trees planted by streams of water,
which yield their fruit in its season.
In all that they do, they prosper.

Psalm 1:1-3 excerpts

I think of this first Psalm whenever I come upon a stream bordered by bushes and trees, especially those that yield blooms, berries, fruit, or pine cones. Any walk that features plant life can stimulate meditation, probably because natural surroundings remind me of the Creator who loves me, and I delight in knowing that. Here in the mountains where I live, it's easy to overlook the streams and lakes and snowdrifts, and the clouds that feed them. But in meditating upon the whole, and the Source of the beauty around me, I find that the Master of it all walks with me. Then when the desert times arrive, I can look for the flowers that flourish in the dry shadows. Those are the seasons of secret prosperity. Shalom, Mother BE  

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Art by David E. Iles, South of Fairplay, CO,  photo by Ken Brin

Monday, August 20, 2012

Be Still

Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me, says the Lord, or what is the place of my rest? Did not my hand make all these things? Acts 7:49,50

Questions are often answered within themselves, such as those above. It would be a little more clear if it read, "You can not build me a house when the Earth is a mere footstool of my creativity."  And again, "There is no physical place I can rest when my source of action encompasses the entire universe." We are limited by time and spatial experience, so we find it difficult to contemplate the great beyond. Many, many times we build  formulas (churches) to rationalize (house) that which we cannot explain, and we often forget to rest (relax) into the peace that passes right by our intellectual examination. We often speak of death as a long-awaited rest, a silence that defies rational exploration. Even without the advantage of death, rest opens the heart to that Source who contains all the answers. First, we must be still.
Shalom, Mother BE 

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Photo by Ken Brin

Monday, August 13, 2012

Divine Love

John 3:16 Οτως γρ γπησεν θες τν κσμον στε τν υἱὸν ατο τν μονογεν δωκεν να πς πιστεων ες ατν μ πληται λλ χ ζων αἰώνιον.
Because Divine Love for the Cosmos is so great, Divinity gave a begotten (human) Son so that whoever believes He is divine will not perish but live forever.  Translation, BE

This is one of the first Bible verses I memorized as a child, in the King James Version. I didn't know what some of the words even meant, let alone any Greek. I've underlined key words in both Greek and English to show how difficult a simple verse can be to translate. One of the most important words is the second one in Greek: gar. It's usually translated as "for," but it has a multitude of uses in Greek. I've also placed it first in my rendition but as "because" for it indicates that the following word is what the sentence is about, in this case: agapasen - agape - Love (not Theos). Theos and the Teutonic Gott or in English, God, are poor translations for the Creator, Yahweh Elohim. However, it is (Theos Divine) Love for the whole created universe that seeds the begetting of a Son. In twenty-first century language one could say that the quantum intent in the dark matter, or in the "presence" that is black space between micro and macro existence, at a particular point in time, energized the creation of a divine-human creature who is Himself the only Son of Love. Whoever believes this awesome statement will not lose the Spirit of life, but will always live in the mystery at hand. Shalom, Mother BE

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Shooting Stars Photo by Ken Brin

Monday, August 6, 2012


Y'shua took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Luke 9:28,29

This week we celebrate one of the most mysterious events of Y'shua's recorded life: the Transfiguration on the mountain, traditionally presumed to be Tabor because the event occurred near the place of the previous discussion when Y'shua questioned the disciples: 'Who do you say that I am?' and Peter answers, 'You are the Christos (Anointed) of Theo (God).' Eight days later Y'shua invited Peter, John, and James to join him in prayer which included, in the course of the event, Moses and Elijah who were already residents of a heavenly dimension. For the three disciples, it was a glimpse into eternity. For Y'shua, the event revealed his ministry, death, and resurrection which he then shared with his disciples. It is not an easy trail to follow Y'shua. We are warned that this Christos Way may require traversing difficult terrain, but imagine doing it without a guide, a trail master if you will. Along the Way, we glimpse snatches of glory -- a sunrise, or set, that takes your breath away, a mountainside of wildflowers, or a stream tumbling around boulders. In the Spiritual Sojourn, we glimpse dimensions of heartfelt insight or unconditional love transfiguring our attitudes. Shalom, Mother BE

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Plum Blossoms Photo by Ken Brin